Extra Python Projects in Pure Python

Project 1

Affirmations Generator

Generates Affirmations based on rating from 1 - 10

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Terminal Animations

Displays Loading, Bar, and Emoji Animations

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Weather Finder

Displays current Weather Info based on Location

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Displays Wikipedia article based one search-query (search up the wikipedia article first then copy the article name from url)

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Sales Tax

Displays Sales tax based on Zip Code

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Basic Dictionary. You can add/delete/edit words and definitions and you can display the Dictionary

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Rock-Paper-Scissors Game in Python

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Generates a Random Food Suggestion based on your favorite foods!

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Asks you 4 trivial questions!

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Countdown Timer!

Countsdown time based on time and unit

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Password Generator!

Generates a Random Password!

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Calculates Price based on length to destination(in km)

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Car Info Finder

Displays Car info based on model/company name

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MuskBot 🤖

Responds to Commands. Type in '@muskbot command' to view all commands

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International World Clock

Displays Current Time, Month and Year based on city name.

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Project 1

Python Terminal Colors

Displays all types of terminal colors.

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Cool Date Calculator

Calculates date from current based on input. Also displays more cool info abt the date calculated

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Generates random number based on lower and higher bound range.

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Old Towne Lodge (A Resturaunt in Python)

You can view/add to/delete/edit your order

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HTML Parser

Parses/Reads HTML code from a website

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JOTPad (NotePad App)

You can add/edit/delete a note. Emojis are here too!

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PyLib (Book Library)

You can return/borrow a book in this Virtual Library! (you cant read)

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Quote Generator

Generates a Awesome Quote.

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Image Generator

Generates a Random Image. Will be blurry bc its a terminal

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Enter a emoji and it will give you the exact same one requested!

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My own Emoji API!

I made my own emoji api in json!

Test the API
Project 1

Wordle in Python!

I made my own wordle game!

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Uno Card Game! (text based)

Enjoy this Uno card game!

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Text Reader!

It will read the text slowly! Enter the full url of the .txt url link! Accepts only urls with .txt

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