Intro To Prog lesson 1: Launch Rocket
My first lesson in CWHQ. Launch code is: 12
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Intro to Prog lesson 1: Land Rocket
My second homework! Launch code is: 14
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Intro to Prog lesson 2: Homework 1
My second lesson!! Positoned the images
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Intro to Prog lesson 2: Homework 2
My second homework!! Positoned django! PS: theres going to be alot more 😆
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Intro to Prog lesson 2: Picture 1
My third homework!! Repositoned cute django 😍
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Intro to Prog lesson 2: Picture 2
My FOURTH homework!! Repositoned cool django 😎
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Intro to Prog lesson 3: Moon Trivia
My 3rd lesson! Cool Moon Facts
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Intro to Prog lesson 3: Mars Trivia
My second homework! Mars facts
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Intro to Prog lesson 4: Madlibs
My fourth lesson (20 more!): My first Pure Python project!!
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Intro to Prog lesson 4: The Best Chatbot!
My fifth lesson!!: This was my longest program I ever wrote for homework! Ranging between 110+ lines of code!
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Intro to Prog lesson 5: A Simple Quiz App!
My sixth lesson!!: This was my very first quiz app!
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